- Coming Soon: When Students Own the Assessment and
Student Engaged Assessment: Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Possibilities - Assessment that Supports All Learners, Annual Visible Learning Conference
- Collaborative Efficacy, Annual Visible Learning Conference, San Francisco, CA
- Mindframes and Maximizers, Annual Visible Learning Conference, Washington, D.C
- Assessment Systems: Pathways to Student Success, ASCD Annual Conference, Atlanta,
- Personalized Assessment, TL Talk Radio, March 2016
- Assessment in Balance, Cape Cod Schools Schools
- How Do We Know? Complex Learning and Alternative Assessment, Coalition of Essential Schools
- Role of Formative Assessment in a Comprehensive Assessment System, National Center for Assessment
- Formative Assessment in Support of Learning, Woodbury Connecticut
- Planning and Designing Assessment of 21st Century Skills, East Haddam Schools
- Best Practice in Formative Assessment: Coventry High School, ISAAC School, Ledyard Public Schools
- Effective Teaching Strategies: The Power of Feedback, LEARN Regional RESC
- Using Rubrics to Support Effective Assessment, Professional Development Workshops for Teachers
- Brain-Based Assessment, Learning and the Brain, Boston
- Assessment Leadership, Johnson and Wales University
- Common Core and Formative Assessment, ASCD Annual Conference, Los Angeles
- Assessing Beyond the Core, ASCD Annual Conference, Chicago
- Beyond the Core, Corwin Common Core Institute, Memphis
- Blending Common Core with 21st Century Skills, Learning Forward
- Extending Core into the 21st Century, ASCD Annual Conference, San Antonio
- What Leaders Need to Know About Formative Assessment, Johnson and Wales University
- Assessment in the 21st Century, Global Education Conference
- Culturally Responsive Assessment, Salve Regina University
- Assessment Reform: Strategies for a Paradigm Shift, ASCD Annual Conference, Anaheim
Podcasts and Webinars (A Sampling)
NCTE: Voices from the Middle
Blending the Best in Assessment
BIE: Project Based Learning
Assessing 21st Century Skills
Extending the Core into the 21st Century
Regional Education Centers
The Power of Purposeful Feedback