

Emerging Ed-Tech Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Schools are facing are the same issues and goals as they have been for years, with their main priority being the enhancement of student learning  However, as schools steadily move beyond focusing on IT infrastructure, devices, and gadgets, student learning is increasingly at the fore

Blended Learning: The New Normal and Emerging Technologies
Summary of research on the implications and future directions for blended learning.

The Nations Report Card
The NAEP report (National Assessment of Educational Progress) is the largest ongoing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in ELA, math, and other subject areas

A New Era For Educational Assessment
David Conley argues that it is time to shift from an over-reliance on standardized testing to multiple measures that gauge learning across a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge.

Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment Systems Supporting Learning CRESST and West Ed
A framework for different types of assessment in support of learning. Emphasis is on high quality strategies and effective tools to gather evidence and improve learning outcomes.

Brown Center Report on American Education: How Well Are American Students Learning?
Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings
2016 Report: Offers an international perspective on principals as instructional leaders.
2017 Report: Explores issues of race in education
2018 Report: Delves into the Current State of Civics Education

Assessment for Learning: The Case for Formative Assessment
The value of formative assessment and its key elements is explained and supported through research and case studies. Recommendations are made for policy and practice to strengthen the day to day use of formative assessment and improve learning outcomes.

Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills: Lessons from the Learning Sciences
Asia Society and RAND Corporation: Anna Rosefsky Saavedra and V. Darleen Opfer
As globalization, technology, migration, environmental, and political changes make our world more complex, preparing students for work, citizenship, and life, has also become more complicated. This report summarizes 21st century skills, examines why they must be taught, and explores strategies for teaching and assessing them.

Measuring 21st Century Competencies: Guidance for Educators
Asia Society and RAND Corporation: Jim Soland, Laura S. Hamilton, and Brian M. Stecher
Examines how to assess 21st century skills and summarizes the current the current state and emerging technologies to measure these competencies.

International Comparisons of Achievement
National Center for Education Statistics
Compares TIMMS, PISA and PIRLS around the globe

Will It Be On The Test
This review from the Kettering Foundation looks at how school leaders and parents think about accountability, identifies areas of agreement and tension, and makes recommendation for solutions.
